Friday, March 07, 2003

Thai Me Kangaroo Down

Last nite I went to dinner on a work junket. It's been a while - sometimes you seem to go on quite a few junkets, othertimes they don't come around for ages. We went to a Thai restaurant and ordered a Banquet. Yum yum. Actually the restaurant was called Tom Yum, but the banter included the usual lame jokes mixed amongst personal questions you wouldn't normally ask a colleague.

Q: What do you get when you chuck a sheep down a dunny?
A: Woolloomooloo

I also brought up the placenta question, and I think there is nothing wrong with a vegetarian eating their own placenta. I think the question should be redirected towards wanting other animals' placentas. I mean, the animal wasn't killed, and the afterbirth is just a by product of natural behaviour. I guess it is OK as long as the animal doesn't eat it first...

This morning when I woke up I recorded my resting heart rate. It was 33, which was great, as that is normal, and it means I haven't been over-training.

** To measure your true resting heart rate, measure it just after you have woken up, and after you have been to the toilet. Then lie back down, and try not to get too excited when your heart rate lowers...

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